zondag 11 september 2016

ROSIE SAID by Kmae Maus

rosie said

don't ever ever doubt your husband don't ever ever doubt your marriage
when the water isn't clear
and your river isn't there
to wash your doubt away don't doubt your heart
be sure
don't doubt that's what she said don't doubt him
it's rosie

i hope
next time i give you a call i will get lucky to have you on the other side of the phone
rosie you will
next time you give me a call you will
have me on the other side of the phone
this is called unfinished business
nothing more
nothing less
don't ever ever doubt your husband
don't ever ever doubt your marriage

when the water isn't clean and your river isn't there
to wash your pain away
be sure
and hold on tight
for me
rosie said

geschreven op 12 - 12 - 2014 By Kmae Maus

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